TU/TD, Sports

TU / TD: Hide Yo’ Crab Legs

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Back On Top – It’s good for the ACC to have the defending National Champion remain undefeated. Also it’s good for the ACC and Florida State to have the defending Heisman Trophy winner not be suspended for general assholery, so there you have it. And now BC gets a shot at the top dog, which is a great measuring stick for head coach Steve Addazio’s Eagles as they move forward in this rebuilding process.

Memory Loss – Men’s hockey lost four in a row. Settle down. If BU didn’t get a tip in and two other behind-the-net goals, then no one would even know BC was struggling. Jerry York will have this team in the top five by March, because that’s what he does. Four losses in November don’t change that. Neither does a win at Michigan State. Hockey is weird. Things happen. That’s almost as steadfast a rule as York winning Beanpots and making Frozen Fours.

Guardin’ Em– The basketball team held a team to 50 points. That team was UNH, but BC had the 298th defense in Division I last year. We’ll take it.

Being Undefeated– Shout-out to women’s hockey for not losing yet. As noted, that’s hard to do in hockey.

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Famous Jameis– Damnit, Jameis. You make it so easy to root against you. And yet, even when it looks like you may finally sink down to the depths of irrelevancy, Dalvin Cook rises to save you once again. We hope that point-shaving scandal allegation is true.

No More Steve– Conte Forum was nearly as empty as ever, but it just didn’t feel the same without Steve’s ear-splitting whistling echoing endlessly, mixing with “Turn Down For What” blaring over the sound system as the basketball team slowly spiraled into oblivion. We miss you, Steve.

Sonny Milano– For real though, he’d be nice right now. There’s only so many times these eyes can take Quinn Smith bungling a pass in the slot. Or Brendan Silk misfiring that pass in the first place. Would Plymouth, Mich. even exist without a major junior team? Why would anyone want to live there? We’re still in the bargaining phase, if you couldn’t tell.

Featured Image by Wilfredo Lee / AP Photo

November 17, 2014