TU/TD, Opinions

TU/TD: Housing Closes And New Housing Is Up For Sale

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This Year’s Housing Process Reaches its End – All of the guesswork is finally over—housing is in place for next year. While the drama came early on with who gets a Mod and who gets to pitifully joke around about the “Ed-mods,” the real fun stuff was last week, as freshmen (congregating in dining halls across campus as midday approached) leapt out of their seats, shouting and exchanging high-fives, or (and we saw a couple of these) breaking down into tears. Housing is one of those things at Boston College that gets far too much attention—hysteria that everyone buys into year after year. Sure, there will be people trying to justify the divine intervention that was the Walsh-third-floor-far-away-from-the-RAs-facing-the-Mods and the pain that is just escaping the Greycliff pick time to get the back wall of Williams for a couple more days, but now people can pay attention to more important things—for example, trying to keep that GPA afloat with the closing of another semester.

Tom Cruise – Say what you want about his religion, family, and height—Tom Cruise deserves accolades for his stunt work. Taking a look at the latest iteration in the Mission Impossible series’ trailer that was just released, you’ll have to accept the fact that, yes, Tom Cruise actually strapped himself to an Airbus A400 to get that final shot. No CGI, no stuntman. Just Tom Cruise. This is the time that we use the adjective “epic.”

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Class Pick Times – Just because housing is over doesn’t mean we’ve seen the end of pick time nonsense. Your class pick time is up on Agora Portal, and, if you’re like the majority of students, yours sucks. We’re guessing it’s going to have to be another semester of drop/add week insanity in the fall, but we really wish it didn’t have to come to this (again).

Spring – You staying or leaving, spring? Don’t play games with our hearts. Either be 45 degrees (balmy) or 30 (with the wind, it feels like zero). Also, stop it snow. Go away. You’ve had your fun. Go home.

The Scarface Mansion Is Now Available For Purchase – It’s a taunt. The mansion featured in Scarface—an actual mansion known as “Fureidis” and located in California—just underwent a massive renovation (heated floors and three separate guest suites) and has been put on the market. You can get a slice of an absolute classic movie, and who can stop you from running around and yelling, “Say hello to my little friend?” That is, if you have $34 million lying around to through at this grand estate. You hear that? It’s the sound of a dream dying.

Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff 

March 22, 2015