Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: A Letter From The Provost Office And Student Affairs

To the Editor:

As administrators at Boston College, one of the joys of our professional experience is in working with students on issues of importance to the University and wider community.

Throughout the decades, we have learned a great deal from these interactions, and benefitted from the wisdom and insights of our students, including many students and student groups who have disagreed with the University’s policies.

During this time, there have been many substantive discussions on issues of race, diversity and inclusion that have helped to shape discourse and influence decisions in our collective efforts to make BC a more welcoming and inclusive community. As with most universities across the nation, we recognize that addressing these issues requires effort and evaluation. We have made the commitment to ongoing discussion, reflection, and action in the hopes of making BC the best University it can be.

As part of our ongoing commitment, we have infused new curriculum offerings in the training of student organizations on communication, race, and class; developed innovative seminars on race and gender; and offered programs and events to engage students, faculty and staff about a range of perspectives on race and contemporary society. We have engaged with students in dialogue and focus groups, over dinner and in meetings.  This academic year, we have convened a University committee on race to coordinate our many programs across divisions and administrative units. We are committed in our hiring and admission processes to support diversity and inclusion.

Issues about race and diversity require sustained dedication and hard work on the part of all members of this community, and sometimes may result in disagreements about strategy and progress.  However, these disagreements do not lessen our commitment to achieving larger long-term goals concerning race and diversity in our community. We know from our experience that most meaningful accomplishments result from people of goodwill working together for the common good and a more just society. We remain steadfast in our commitment to doing so here at BC.


David Quiqley, Provost and Dean of Faculties

Barb Jones, Vice President, Student Affairs

Featured Image by Daniella Fasciano / Heights Editor

November 12, 2015