Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 21

Thumbs Up:

  • Ice Cream Breaks
    • Weather never stopped Boston College students from enjoying the wonder that is White Mountain ice cream. And now that the weather seems to be warming up just a tad, those study break ice cream runs are beginning to make more and more sense. But don’t let the sporadic weather throw you off your game, Eags. If ice cream is how you fuel your study sesh, then bundle up and get yourself over to White Mountain, stat. 
  • Join Us, Baby Eags
    • Almost as magically as the sunny weather appeared in Boston, campus tours started back up again. Not a walkway between buildings is devoid of the presence of large circles of Baby Eags and their parents, listening to their tour guides sing BC’s rightfully earned praises. The hope, of course, is that those potential Baby Eags will take the leap and join the rest of their flock on the Heights next fall. 

Thumbs Down:

  • Spastic Weather
    • Ever since that first random 60-degree weekend, the weather has been going through an identity crisis. One day she’s hot and the next day she’s cold and screaming wind. Sometimes she’s even hot and screaming wind. Some may see it as a sign of warmer days ahead, but others are feeling the effects of the weather’s tempestuous mood deep in their souls, as the days of winter continue to stretch out ahead. 
  • No Celebrating President’s Day at BC
    • As students across the country gear up for a long weekend of rest and relaxation in honor of President’s Day, BC students alone prepare to walk into classrooms on Monday. We can only give BC the benefit of the doubt and hope that by not giving us this day off, it’s saving our “time-off mindset” for when it’s truly necessary: Marathon Monday.
February 20, 2022