Sports, Podcast

The Bald Win- November 9th, 2018

In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim talk about College GameDay heading to the Heights for the first time since 2009 and predictions for the No. 17 Eagles and No. 2 Clemson Tigers’ primetime matchup. Missed last week’s game or want to read more about…

Sports, Podcast, Podcast

The Bald Win- October 26th, 2018

  In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim discuss what to expect in the first BC football match-up vs. Miami since 2012, volleyball’s midseason turnaround and Bradley finally realizing that there is no Taylor Swift song called “Romeo and Juliet.” Timestamps for this week’s episode…

Podcast, Podcast, Sports

The Bald Win- October 19th, 2018

In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim lay out their predictions for the remaining 5 games ahead this season for BC football and yet again find themselves feeling inferior to 11 year old athletes with college football careers. To read more about BC sports head…

Sports, Podcast

The Bald Win- October 12th, 2018

In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim discuss what BC football should be up against in this week’s Homecoming game vs. Louisville, big match-ups for both men and women’s soccer on October 12th and if listening to Lil Wayne is still as cool as it…

Podcast, Podcast, Sports

“The Bald Win”- October 5th, 2018

In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim talk AJ Dillon’s ankle injury, high hopes for Anthony Brown and streaking in Devlin at 1:30 am.   Timestamps for this week’s episode below: Weekly Headlines: :20 Bold Takes: 6:40 Game Predictions: 12:10 This Week in 2008: 14;58…

Sports, Podcast, Podcast

The Bald Win- September 28, 2018

In this week’s episode of “The Bald Win,” sports editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim discuss BC football’s prospects after an unsuspected loss to Purdue last week, successes in other sports around the heights and Andy’s middle school hopes of playing in the NFL.   Timestamps for this week’s episode below: Bold Takes:…

Podcast, Podcast, Sports

The Bald Win- September 21, 2018

In the first official episode of the sports podcast from The Heights, “The Bald Win,” editors Andy Backstrom, Bradley Smart and Peter Kim discuss BC sports success in soccer and volleyball, football’s first ranking since 2008, middle school bangers and more in this week’s episode! Timestamps for this week’s episode below: Bold Takes: :30 Weekly…

The Heights Sports Podcast: September 14th, 2018
Podcast, Podcast, Sports

The Heights Sports Podcast: September 14th, 2018

In the second episode of 2018, Heights sports editors Andy Backstrom and Peter Kim discuss Boston College’s most recent win against Wake Forrest, BC’s first 3-0 start since 2007 and what to watch out for in the next few games against Purdue, Temple, NC State and Louisville. To read more about the game and BC…

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