“No candidate is perfect, and in almost every election, the ideal politician holds a combination of different forms of policy. If Macron can bring populist energy combined with effective economic policy, and make France inclusive, yet not beholden to the whims of the E.U., then France, Europe, and the world in general will benefit.”
The Complication of Taxation
“If we can figure out a way to simplify the tax code—a nonpartisan endeavor—then we will make our workforce more productive. Of course, limiting regulations and lowering taxes would also help, but with a divisive political field, simplification is one task that we can readily achieve.”
Know the Money, Make the Money
“Even if artistic programs have to take an initial hit, if we understand finance, we can better fund the arts and support artists in the long run, helping the economy and providing support for intellectual and imaginative pursuits.”
Designing a More Efficient Government
“A smaller government with enough strength to regulate business can facilitate the efficiency of the free market while preventing that market from taking advantage of the people,” says Garrett Reynolds.
Department of Education Must Pursue Reform
“If the Department of Education is to survive, it needs to make fundamental changes.”
The Executive Story So Far
“Though the right has valid concerns, the benefits—social, economic, political, and moral—to accepting immigrants, especially refugees, far outweigh the costs.”
Our Expenses and U.S.
“Before we can even begin to think about budget reform, we need to have an open-mind to see where our money is going instead of impulsively following a surface understanding.”