Scott, ABC News’ senior congressional correspondent, shared her experiences as a political journalist and discussed the importance of overcoming self-doubt in a keynote address at the inaugural Boston College Summit, previously referred to as the Women’s Summit, on Saturday.
UGBC Explores Potential Agora Portal Mobile App and CSOM Curve Transparency
Student senators prepared for an upcoming meeting with BC Information Technology Services (ITS) about the possibility of creating a centralized Agora Portal mobile app at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Senate Set To Launch Free Laundry Detergent Initiative for Freshmen, Senator Shares
A UGBC Senate initiative to provide free laundry detergent in freshman residence hall laundry rooms is nearly ready to launch, said Danny Wise, student life committee chair, at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Discusses Improving Study Abroad Application Process
The study abroad application process at Boston College is overly complicated and should be streamlined, student senator Alessandra Veveiros said at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
Fisher Examines Co-Dependency of Democracy and Expertise
Expertise plays an essential role in sustaining democracy, according to Liz Fisher, professor of environmental law at Oxford University’s Corpus Christi College.
Aziz Encourages Critical Thinking in the Face of Rising Islamophobia on College Campuses
Racism and remarks against Muslims and Palestinians are running rampant on college campuses, according to Sahar Aziz, distinguished professor of law and chancellor’s social justice scholar at Rutgers Law School.
BC Theology Department Launches Three New Minors
Boston College’s theology department is launching three new minors in partnership with the philosophy department and the Lynch School of Education and Human Development (LSEHD).
Annual WellFest Asks Students to Define What Wellness Means to Them
As students made their way through the O’Neill Plaza on Wednesday, they were greeted by WellFest.
Perry Talks Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence at Meta AI Workshop
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing technology, according to Michael Perry, customer growth marketing manager at Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
Students Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month With Speeches and Performances
Coming to Boston College, Sophia Barrett hoped to find a more welcoming environment where she could navigate her Asian identity. Barrett said she found just that through the many student organizations that comprise the BC Asian Caucus.