“While the experiences I originally used to prop up my resume have given me so much more than a title on paper, without this unyielding pressure for success, I wouldn’t have wanted them to begin with. ”
Masculinity and I are Changing
“Masculinity is changing, and I am glad that I have changed with it.”
Music Reflects Phases in Our Lives
“Over the past four years, certain priorities have disappeared, some have been added, some have changed, yet there are a few that have stayed the same—in a nutshell, that’s the complexity of identity.”
Some of BC’s Actions Go Against Jesuit Ideals
“To the administration of BC: Fall in line with the principles that this institution preaches, or change the principles entirely.”
A Different Way of Treating Mental Disorders
“Playing catch may seem like a simple task, but remember that the effort in doing so correlates to what we have learned from who we have defined as different.”
Building Our Lives like We Build Our Homes
In the past four years, having transferred out of CSOM and into MCAS, I saw how people reevaluated my future.
Authenticity, The Missing Factor in the Recruiting Cycle
In my attempt at getting a more comprehensive and truthful look at the job recruiting process, I interviewed current and former job-seeking students to obtain their thoughts on the process.
Finding Yourself Outside the Flow
Going with the flow is ultimately detrimental to our personal well being because “the flow” is a stream of thoughts/actions/norms/values that ensnare us all.
Rejecting Our Generational Simplification of Language
Maybe the use of modern-day hieroglyphics will add to our communication styles instead of detracting from them.
Hitting Rock Bottom to Get Back Up
“There’s one thing, though, that I hope is similar: I hope you face-plant on the ground of rock bottom at some point in your life.”