I’m a communication major.” It elicits a blank reaction.
COLUMN: Waiting For An Email…
By: Lucy Smukler
For Americans across the nation, Sept. 11, 2001 will be forever engrained in our memories. Flash forward to Sept. 11, 2013, just a few short days ago. I flipped on the news and watched President Obama partaking in a moment of silence. That’s when it hit me-I hadn’t gotten an email.
I’d Rather Be A Spaniard
They say to write about what you know. Unfortunately, for the next three and a half months, this will be almost impossible.
BC Should Respond To Attacks With ‘Renewed Community Spirit’
We still do not know who carried out the cowardly bombings at the Boston Marathon today. As a professor who studies the impact of terrorism, I don’t have any inside information about who the attackers are. But I can say with confidence that they made a huge mistake.
Every Person Is A Person
There are currently 7,108,685,580 people on Earth. That number increased by about 15 as soon as I finished writing that sentence, and because that comma made you pause for half of a second it just increased by another 10. Every single one of those people born will be a person. They’ll be a child, have their first kiss and a favorite movie, maybe even go to summer camp or get married, and eventually die. You may not realize it right now, but you’ll never fully understand this concept. Never. And it’s not your fault.
LTE: Refusal To Divest Will Harm Future Students
The crisis of planetary climate change is the most significant problem that humans have ever encountered. And we don’t have much time to turn things around.
Catholic Identity Requires BC’s Divestment From Fossil Fuels
On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio, S.J., became the first Jesuit to be elected as head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Divesting Is Overly Simple Response To Complex Issue
Two documents have emerged related to the increasing call for the divestment of Boston College’s endowment from the fossil fuel industry in the past two weeks.
I Am Not Natalie Portman
For the past 14 years, When Harry Met Sally has normalized the idea that two platonic friends who are deeply in love with each other (but who are refusing to admit it!) can be secret soul mates.
Let’s Talk About Love
What is it about being in love that makes us think in poetry? That makes us want to sing songs and dance and jump off of rooftops, grow wings, and fly to the stars? That burns holes in our hearts while simultaneously making them feel fuller and brighter? That transforms all of our rational thoughts into mush and makes us want to say “forever” over and over again like a lyric stuck repeating on a broken CD? That turns menial activities like doing homework, going to CVS, and walking to class together into grand adventures? That makes us literally feel colors when our loved one is in the same room as us? I don’t know, but it sure is weird sometimes. So, I’d like to talk about it.