Memories are what fuels the cuisine at The Hungry I—but Chef Peter Ballarin still does not want you to miss the moment.
From France To Boston: Runner Liv Westphal Is BC’s All-American
Born in Milan, Italy, Westphal moved to France at age four, growing up just 200 miles outside of Paris in Limoges. A dual citizen of Italy and France, she began racing competitively at age 15 while studying in Spain for eight months.
The Gallows Sets Itself Apart In The South End
Seth Yaffe, the general manager at The Gallows, has found a balance between making a restaurant that is comfortable and one that is willing to set itself apart.
Everywhere Man: Senior Alex Navarro Takes His Music To The Streets
Alex Navarro, BC musician and CSOM ’15, travels around campus and the city at large, filming himself performing in unusual, and at times restricted, locations for his ‘Sessions’ series.
O’Neill Library Develops New Digital Studio On Second Floor
In an effort to replace and concentrate the resources formerly housed in the Campus Technology Resource Center (CTRC), Boston College Libraries and Information Technology Services (ITS) have partnered to form the new BC Library Digital Studio—an early-stage media lab in soft launch phase on the second floor of O’Neill Library.
Wolfpack Wash-Out: BC Picks Up A Key ACC Win
BC fought through the rain to pick up a big win at NC State.
BCPD Responds To Increase In Reported Sexual Assaults In 2013
The latest figures reported in the University’s Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics—a public report federally mandated under the Clery Act—show an increase in the number of forcible sexual assaults reported at Boston College in 2013.
Accessiblity On Campus Still A Concern For Some Students
Some students contend that recent changes seeking to enable accessibility on campus are barely scratching the surface of problems surrounding access at Boston College.
Meet The Newest (And Youngest) Kid In Town
If exceptions becomes the norm, they cease to be exceptional.
‘I Am Not’: Steve Rosenfield Captures New Angle Of BC
Photographer Steve Rosenfield’s ‘What I Be’ Project at BC aims to build security among students by promoting discussions about insecurities.