POC Art Lab featured various dance groups and theatre performances to empower the AHANA+ community at Boston College.
‘West Wingers’ Come to BC to Inspire Young Voters
“A majority of the stories are by women and by people of color—13 of the 18 stories. Contributors also include immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, Muslim-Americans, and veterans,” said Dan Ponsetto, director of the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.
University Makes 68 New Faculty Hires for 2018-19 Year
Over the summer, Boston College hired 43 new faculty members, according to Vice Provost for Faculties Billy Soo. Twenty-one men and 22 women were hired, and of the entire group, 12 are AHANA+. In terms of visiting faculty, 25 new members were hired: 13 males and 12 females. Of that group, six are AHANA+.
BAIC Director Ines Sendoya Leaves Role for New Position at Wellesley
Sendoya’s departure comes after a year of student protests and activism calling on the University to, among other requests, reevaluate the programs it has in place for instruction on diversity and inclusion on campus.
2018-19 Has Most-Ever AHANA+ RAs
“It’s a big passion of mine to make sure we represent our student body within our staff,” said Mike Lorenz, ResLife’s associate director for selection, development, and formation.
Editorial: Rise in AHANA+ RAs Shows Inclusion in Residence Halls
“It is important that BC represents all student demographics in leadership roles on campus—an increase in RAs that identify as students of color presents a solid foundation to ensure that residents find their dorms comfortable and inclusive homes for the year.”
UGBC Teams Discuss Goals, Qualifications at Final Debate
The candidates were asked to respond to a variety of questions, ranging from issues of diversity and inclusion to discussing the challenges they would face in office if elected.
UGBC Presidential Campaign Kickoff Event Marks Start of Election Season
The Elections Committee is hosting a debate on diversity and inclusion on Tuesday evening, as well as a final debate on Feb. 11.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service Brings BC Community Together
Through various mediums, including song, prayer, poetry, and public speaking, the night addressed the marginalization of people of color and minorities at large.
BC Plans for Educational Module, Survey in Response to Racist Incidents
One of the student involved in a racist incident last month is no longer enrolled at BC, according to a press release.