Tag: america

Opinions, Column

Behind Populism’s Popularity

As much as the mainstream media likes to hype up election drama, the increasingly palpable anger in this country is not just a tool politicians use to get elected. Yes, fear has been and always will be a powerful political instrument, but the rush by every candidate to frame him or herself as anti-establishment proves itself beyond the normal scope of political maneuvering and taps into deeper rumblings within American society.


Voting and Falling Down Some Stairs

Thumbs Up Absentee Ballots – Sometimes we gaze around our classes, listening to our fellow students spout idiotic, badly thought-out half-truths, and realize that these people are going to be able to vote.  The kid with the half-shaved head and the nasally voice who preaches moral relativism to a painfully uninterested class is going to…

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