When my tour guide said that Boston College is “only as Catholic as you make it,” they may have been reflecting a true reality for many students. As a Jew and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it has not always been true for me. When I first learned that BC refused the creation of a student funded LGBTQ+ resource center on the grounds that doing so would compromise the University’s “Catholic values,” I was astonished.
Opinions, Editorials
SSH’s Potential Condom Distribution Service Proposes Pragmatic Alternative
“Since students have clearly expressed their desire for accessible contraceptive resources, partnering with this separate condom distribution service is a good alternative.”
Letters To The Editor, Opinions
LTE: In Response to LTE from Ethan Mack
“We firmly believe we are furthering this mission in providing our care, service, and resources to improve the health of our student community.”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
LTE: In Response To “Survey Indicates Need for Sexual Health Referendum”
“I am sure these students believe their cause is just. However, the reality is that if they ever got their way, it would cause more damage to this university then they could possibly realize.”