Contrary to most students, I love icebreakers. Admittedly, I am competitive in group discussion settings. I try to have the most creative response to the prompt.
Emcee Duo Available: Serious Inquiries Only
One of my good friends, Thomas, and I have a running joke that before we graduate, we must emcee at a campus production.
Comparison Culture: Leaving Behind the Life Timeline
Your timeline is a work in progress, not a pre-ordained narrative. And you are so much more than a pawn moving between tasks. Appreciate the journey to reaching success, acknowledge the wisdom gained from each of your achievements, and do not be afraid to stray from the path.
An Ode to Shenanigans
Be completely honest with yourself for a minute, when was the last time you participated in a shenanigan? A little tomfoolery? Horseplay? I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s been a while since you let yourself have fun.
Cause of Death: Utter Humiliation
It is very easy to swap our honest imperfections with more impermeable exteriors, but we become much more confident and self-assured when we refuse to mask our unflattering qualities.
Why I Would Date a Guy Like Adam Sandler
Originally this column was going to be about why I would marry Adam Sandler, but then I found out he was married. So, out of respect and the fact that I clearly do not know much about him personally, I chose to go with the next best thing. I would date a guy like Adam Sandler.
Confident and Depressed: iGen and its Drawbacks
Twenge believes that the iPhone is responsible for high levels of depression in teenagers.