Tag: divestment

BC Should Divest From Fossil Fuels
Featured Column, Opinions, Editorials

BC Should Divest From Fossil Fuels

The Heights calls on Boston College to divest from fossil fuel companies. Divestment is an opportunity for BC to be an ethical leader among Jesuit and top-40 institutions, and investing in fossil fuels betrays BC’s Jesuit, Catholic roots and ethics. The University has maintained that its investments are not designed to promote social or political…

BC Hesitant About Fossil Fuel Divestment
Administration, Top Story, News

BC Hesitant About Fossil Fuel Divestment

After a non-binding referendum on the Undergraduate of Government of Boston College elections ballot asking if BC should withhold investments from the fossil fuel industry received 2,005 “yes” votes and 374 “no’s,” University Spokesman Jack Dunn said the school’s stance on divestment has not changed.

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