About 30 members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU-UAW) first walked out of the annual President’s Address in Robsham Theater before carrying out a planned picket outside Pops on the Heights Friday night.
News, On Campus, Top Story, Administration
In Response to Union Letter to Trustees and Faculty, Quigley Letter Defends University
The letter was written in response to the union spreading what the administration believed was false information in correspondence sent to University trustees and faculty members, according to a person familiar with the letter.
Administration, Top Story, News
BC Continues to Emphasize Diversifying Faculty
Almost a year after the “Silence is Still Violence” march, Boston College is staring down several obstacles that stand in the way of a more diverse and representative faculty, but according to figures, BC has one of the most diverse faculties of its peer schools.
Opinions, Editorials
BC Graduate Employees Union Must Seek Consensus
“Strong supporters of the union will need to reach across the aisle in order to accomplish their agenda.”