BC historian Heather Cox Richardson called Elon Musk’s alleged access to federal data a “coup,” and “the largest data breach in human history,” warning of a constitutional crisis. In a livestream to 2.5 million followers, she criticized Musk’s influence over government operations and urged swift action to protect democracy.
News, Top Story
Richardson Urges Americans To Recognize the Power of the Female Vote
Heather Cox Richardson believes women’s participation in democracy is more important now than ever before.
News, On Campus, Featured Story
Panel Discusses How to Respond to Violence in Charlottesville
“Statues come down when the time is right,” said former Vice Provost for Faculties Pat DeLeeuw.
Academia at Rest: What Your Professors Did Over Winter Break
From the mundane to Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield, here’s a small dose of what your professors have been getting up to for the past month.
History Professor Discusses Brief Inclusion on Alt-Right ‘Watchlist’
In addition to Richardson’s inclusion, Breitbart News published a short article on Tuesday that focused on a recent letter to the editor condemning hate speech signed by several dozen faculty.
News, Academics
History Professor to Appear on C-SPAN
The BC history class Race, Riots, and Rodeos: America from the End of the Civil War to 1900, was filmed on April 12 and is set to appear on C-SPAN at the start of July.