That school spirit so joyfully displayed at BC is all but unimaginable back in Australia. To the Aussie mind, being a student is just one of many things you do.
News, On Campus
UGBC Senate Talks Community Engagement
UGBC’s Senate discussed new approaches to communicating with the Boston College community at its meeting on Tuesday night.
Op-Ed, Featured Column, Opinions
BC’s Laundry List of Problems
When it comes to doing laundry at Boston College, the one perennial stain that no one’s been able to get out is the administration’s negligence of its students’ wants and needs. The topic of laundry sounds quite myopic in a time when the CDC projects that over 200,000 people in this country are slated to...
Opinions, Editorials
UGBC Resolution is Inclusive and Beneficial, Frontis is Valuable VPDI
“In seeking to add diverse perspectives to the Executive Council, Frontis is a logical and appropriate appointee.”
Column, Opinions
What Does UGBC Do?
“His quotes were extremely long, but my word count is extremely high.”
Top Story, Features
Anthony Perasso and Rachel Loos Want to Take You Down to Funkytown
The Heights sits down with denim-clad UGBC candidates Anthony Perasso and Rachel Loos to talk campaigning, the function of student government, and bringing back the funk.
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
The UGBC Challenge
Student leaders in UGBC lack the leverage they need to make substantial or impactful change to the governing of the University.