Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week Of Nov. 15

Thumbs Up

  • Aquaphor: 
    • As the Boston College plague continues to rampage through dorms across campus one hero rises above: Aquaphor. After three consecutive weeks of runny noses, students have reached for tissues, toilet paper, and in a real pinch, paper towels, all of which result in dry skin and Rudolph-red noses. While Vaseline, Neosporin, and Burt’s Bees lip balm—in moments of true desperation—help, Aquaphor stands alone. It absorbs into skin better than Vaseline, heals more quickly than Neosporin, and is fragrance-free unlike Burt’s Bees lip balm. 
  • Google Calendar 
    • Google Calendar, or as it is often affectionately referred to as “G-cal,” is the backbone of every college student’s life. Whether it’s the recurring note to submit coding homework or a reminder to call your mom about what sides you want on Thanksgiving, G-cal has your back. Somehow, organizing your life into little color-coded boxes and bullet points makes the transition from midterms to finals look like an arts and crafts project, and not the most stressful time of your life! 

Thumbs Down

  • Cheugy: 
    • Cheugy, according to Urban Dictionary, is a “basic catch-all term to refer to anything that is basic, uncool or untrendy.” In practice, however, calling something cheugy is simply a way to shut down things that other people enjoy. It is cancel culture–lite and allows people to remove personal responsibility while simultaneously assigning a “Thumbs Down” to anything and everything based solely on their subjective opinions. Imagine that. But really, it’s okay to not like things, but it’s also okay for other people to enjoy those same things. 
  • Residential Dining Bucks 
    • Residential dining bucks, or what could be better known as BC Dining’s version of Kohl’s Cash, are a hot commodity. Students hooked on ordering through GET  Mobile after a year of free spending are now finding that their residential dining bucks funds are closer to residential dining pennies. It feels as if BC was worried about students’ inability to properly budget, and decided that implementing residential dining bucks would be a great way to introduce the concept of putting aside savings toward a 401k. 

November 14, 2021