The cartoon for this Monday’s issue of The Heights, as both Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton had rallies in Boston this weekend.
The Drawing Board, ‘2020: Apple Presents…’
The cartoon for this Mondays issue of The Heights, as Tim Cook recently introduced Apple’s latest round of products.
The Drawing Board, ‘Last Day Of Classes’
The cartoon for this Thursday’s issue of The Heights, as students enjoy their last day of class by partaking in many bizarre activities.
Blog, Cartoons
The Drawing Board: ‘Time Flies’
The cartoon for this week’s Monday issue, as many students have the rest of the college careers ahead of them while some are enjoying their last week of classes before graduating.
The Drawing Board: ‘Modstock 2022’
The cartoon for this Thursday’s issue of ‘The Heights,’ as students react to the recent announcement of this year’s Modstock headliner.