On Campus, Arts

Faculty and Staff Art Exhibit Features Unique, Lively Work

Various types of artwork graced an otherwise lonely hallway in Carney on Wednesday afternoon. While the artistic mediums varied, one thing unified them all: Every piece was created by a Boston College faculty or staff member.

One of the most notable, and striking, pieces was a pair of drawings lined up next to each other. The one on the left (Obsidian), an abstract drawing of a house with a volcano on top, was black and white except for a tiny splatter of lava near the top. On the right (Diffraction Interference), there was an image opposite the volcanically destroyed house—a perfect, symmetrical house sitting on a bright blue abstract shape, which likely represented a body of water. The pair, created by Tatiana Fils, program administrator of the Arts Council, was especially memorable because of matching their white frames, which allowed the colors to really pop off the canvas.

Winter Berry in the Fog, a dramatic photo taken by Ken Porter, a technology consultant for Information Technology at BC, featured a dark, dreary day. A grey sky engulfed a bare tree, but a line of beautiful red plants provided bright and colorful contrast in the piece. It was so detailed and real that it felt like you could step right into the cold, foggy landscape.

A collection of four lively watercolor paintings by Sarah DeLorme, a member of the O’Neill Library staff, featured playful scenes, most involving children. The piece on the top left was nonsensical, depicting an older woman in a bowl trying to escape from a house that had the feet of a bird. The painting, called Baba Yaga, was mystical and fun. Underneath it was Halloween Parade, a youthful illustration of children trick-or-treating in their festive costumes. The faded pink background was somewhat eerie, but it fit the overall tone of the work and allowed the vibrant costumes to really stand out. The Boy Who Cried Dragon showed a young, distraught boy in a windy field surrounded by wooly sheep. He was afraid of a dragon, but the viewer only saw its large, ominous shadow. On the bottom right, Robert Recess depicted a young child at recess being bullied by robots and other kids. The child was lying on the ground as the others just stared at him. One robot, seemingly a “child,” inspected the victim on the floor.

Albeit small, the collection of artwork gave talented faculty and staff a chance to share their work with the BC community. All of the work was stellar and deserved to be showcased in a more visible part of campus for a longer period of time. It really showed that there’s more to your professors than handing you the blue book for your midterm—they too have passions, goals, and talents.

Featured Image by Katie Genirs / Heights Editor

October 21, 2018