Love was in the air in Devlin 008, transformed from classroom to stage in a Valentine’s Day makeover. Pink and red balloons adorned the wall behind the performers alongside the event’s title, “Love on the Sheights.”
Sexual Chocolate’s Big Show ‘Step Wars: Rhythm Awakens’ Brings the Force
Despite Valentine’s Day plans and a late-night hockey game against a Massachusetts rival, Friday night found Robsham Theater at full capacity for Sexual Chocolate’s annual Big Show.
Islamic Treasures Illuminate Art-Science Confluence at McMullen Museum
For Boston College students and the broader community, this exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich intellectual heritage of Islamic civilization and its continuing influence on contemporary art and science.
‘Young, Gifted, & Black’: B.E.A.T.S. Brings Black History to BHM Showcase
With every song, the audience’s cheers of “queen,” “wow,” and “You go [name]” made it clear—the night was nothing short of a success.
AERODynamiK Debuts New Collaboration at Stunning Spring Showcase
AeroK never disappoints, and this show was no different—the anticipation in the crowd was palpable in every twist, turn, leap, and stomp.
bOp! and Full Swing Bring the Holiday Spirit With “bOp! in the Name of Love”
Each member clad in a touch of red or pink, from ties to skirts to collared shirts — stepping through the doorway was like entering a world of Valentines.
McMullen Museum Comes Alive for Art After Dark
More than just a showcase of talent, the event provided a space for students from different disciplines to come together and participate in creativity, reaffirming its power to unite, inspire, and elevate the community.
Between Creation and Alienation: Oxford Theologian Probes Spiritual Dimensions of Modern Loneliness
The presentation, cosponsored by the Boston College theology department, demonstrated Ward’s facility for bridging systematic theology with contemporary pastoral concerns, offering valuable insights for theological anthropology in an age of increasing secular isolation.
Akbarnia Presents New McMullen Exhibit on Art, Science, and Innovation in the Islamic World
The exhibit, open from Feb. 9 to June 1, features 20 lenders and is centered around 13th-century Islamic scholar Zakariyya al-Qazwini’s cosmography titled The Wonders of Creation and Rarities of Existence.
Energy and Sentimentality Define UPrising’s Annual Showcase
As friends and family brought flowers to the stage, UPrising’s annual showcase was one filled with both energy and sentimentality.