Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Sept. 13

Thumbs Up

  • Game Day!! 
    • Sept. 4 was like Christmas morning. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and the Sausage Guy was setting up shop outside Alumni Stadium. For freshmen (and sophomores) it was the first taste of college football as an Eagle, and for upperclassmen it was a welcomed return to normalcy. Either way, there’s no day like game day!
  • Sushi at the Rat
    • Although the past year has been a stain on the white tapestry of BC Dining’s history, this semester has introduced a saving grace: sushi at the Rat. At first, students approached with caution given that Mac’s chicken tenders have been known to have disastrous digestion consequences. The Rat’s sushi, however, has proven to be a fan favorite for students looking for a break from the salad bar and grilled chicken with two sides. 

Thumbs Down

  • Dining Hall Lines 
    • Mac’s current renovations and the return to a fully operating dining menu have increased the congestion of dining halls across campus. Whether it’s breakfast at the Rat or dinner at Lower, the lines to enter the dining halls are usually out the door. The wait times for iced coffee or a flat top burger are reminiscent of Disneyland lines, without the fanfare. 
  • Overdoing It 
    • BC students pride themselves on their ability to strike, or attempt to strike, a balance between working hard and playing hard. There’s a lot of pressure to say “yes” to everything. At some point, however, everyone needs alone time. The start of the semester can be a sprint back into the social and academic scene, without any regard for overstimulation and burnout. While catching up with friends, joining study groups, and making dinner plans are great, it’s also important to remember to allot time to simply be alone. 
September 12, 2021