Opinions, Featured Column

Editor’s Note, March 28, 2019

On Monday, March 25, the Editorial Board of The Heights published an Editorial titled “Following Hockey Incident, BC’s Statement Brief and Insufficient.” Since then, it has become apparent to the Board that much of this Editorial rested on the assertion that a racist remark was proven to have been said by a player on the Boston College men’s hockey team to a player on the Providence College men’s hockey team. This assertion, however, was based on a single website, College Hockey News, that cited only unnamed sources. This Editorial was not based on any original reporting by Heights editors.

Although the Editorial page of The Heights is a place for the Board to share its opinions on events and happenings at the University, these opinions must always be based on objective, known, and reliable sources and reporting—The Heights is not in the business of making unfounded claims in any of its coverage of the Boston College community.

The Editorial this Board published on Monday did not reflect the rigorous standards which all editors of The Heights are required to uphold. As a result, we have chosen to retract this Editorial in its entirety, and will reconsider the matter as a Board more accurately in the future.

Steven Everett
President, Editor-in-Chief, The Heights

March 28, 2019