

Winter Storm Nemo Buries BC

By: Eleanor Hildebrandt

The Boston College campus was blanketed with snow last weekend as winter storm Nemo dropped almost 25 inches on Boston.
Even before the storm arrived, a significant amount of planning went into the University’s response.


Eco-Friendly Floor To Open In Edmond’s

By: Eleanor Hildebrandt

This fall, Boston College’s Special Interest Housing, which now includes residential programs such as the Healthy Alternatives Lifestyle floor, the Romance Languages floor, and Honors Program housing, will be joined by a new program: the Sustainable Living and Learning Community. Located on the seventh floor of Edmond’s Hall, the program will consist of 24 students, split up into six four-person apartments. The application period ends on Friday, Feb. 8, and is only open to rising sophomores.


OIP Hosts Panel For Students Back From Abroad

By: Eleanor Hildebrandt

“For many of those who go abroad, we expect to experience some sort of culture shock,” said Nick Gozik, director of the Office of International Programs (OIP). “On returning to the States, however, we expect to feel the same.” So began “Back at BC: Marketing Your Experience Abroad,” an event aimed not only at reacclimating Boston College students who had returned from a study abroad experience, but also at coaching those students in ways to put their time overseas to use when applying for jobs and internships


ALC Plans Masquerade

By: Eleanor Hildebrandt

The AHANA Leadership Committee (ALC) is putting on its first-ever themed ball to be held at the Westin Copley Hotel in downtown Boston on Saturday, Feb. 16, from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. the next morning. The ALC Ball is the second of the committee’s two major programming events of the school year, following the fall’s ALC Boat Cruise, and is both larger and more formal than the cruise. The theme of the ball this spring is “Masquerade,” and the planning committee intends to hand out masks at the event-as well as unveil a larger surprise.


BC Law Alum Kerry Named Sec. Of State

By: Eleanor Hildebrandt

Senator John Kerry, BC Law ’76, was confirmed Tuesday as the next United States Secretary of State. Kerry will take over from current Secretary Hillary Clinton as she leaves the position following the conclusion of President Barack Obama’s first term.


University Files To Close Belfast Project Case

By: David Cote

In light of the recent death of ex-IRA member Dolours Price, Boston College recently filed a motion in the United States First Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that the legal case surrounding the Belfast Project subpoenas should be closed.

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