The primary goal of Boston College’s investments is to grow the University’s endowment, not to champion social or political causes like divestment, Lindsay Meier, environmental and sustainability policy coordinator, shared at the UGBC Senate meeting on Tuesday night.
Only the Personal is Political—White Supremacy Culture, Free Speech, and Individualism at Boston College
During my six years at Boston College, a lot has changed. The student body has continuously grown in diversity, BC began participating in Questbridge, and LGBTQ+ students now have their own dedicated staff member integrated into the Bowman AHANA Intercultural Center (BAIC).
CJBC, UGBC Call for BC to Divest From Fossil Fuels at Global Divestment Day Event
Climate Justice at BC (CJBC) and UGBC co-hosted an event on Wednesday in honor of Global Divestment Day, calling for the University to divest from fossil fuels.
BC’s Divestment Scandal: A Rejection of the Catholic Faith
Yet, while BC seems so publicly driven by the Catholic faith, it is clear that the University’s administration does not place the faith first when it comes to fossil fuel divestment.
Letter to the Editor In Response To: “CEO of ExxonMobil Talks Sustainability, Oil and Gas Industry”
I was horrified but not shocked to learn that the CEO of ExxonMobil recently spoke at the Boston College Chief Executives Club.
CJBC Urges BC to Uphold Jesuit Values, Divest From Fossil Fuels During Protest
Members of CJBC and a crowd of students gathered at the entrance of O’Neill Library for the protest on Tuesday night.
Posts Featuring CJBC, Divestment Removed During EcoPledge Takeover of BC’s Instagram Story
When EcoPledge Co-President Maureen Kelly took over the Boston College Instagram story at the Earth Day fair on Friday afternoon, no one gave her any restrictions about what content to post, she said. But when Kelly posted a video of Climate Justice at BC (CJBC) explaining its mission and advocating for BC to divest from fossil fuels, it was taken down immediately, she said.
Student Groups Host Town Hall, Urge BC to Divest
CJBC, alongside the Young Democratic Socialists (YDS) of BC, FACES, BC Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), EcoPledge of BC, and Real Food BC, hosted a town hall to explain fossil fuel divestment and why they’re fighting for it.
BC Environmental Groups Respond to Harvard Plans for Divestment from Fossil Fuels
It would take immense public action, like the storming of protesters at the Harvard–Yale football game, to give divestment the publicity it needs at Boston College, according to Climate Justice at Boston College (CJBC) president Audrey Kang.
Leahy’s Leadership Is Not Jesuit: In Response to: “Complaints About Boston College Priest”
During his tenure at Boston College, University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., has made a big deal out of living one’s life in accordance with Jesuit values. Shortly after becoming president in the fall of 1996, Leahy supported BC’s decision not to recognize the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community (LGBC) student group, saying that…