News, On Campus

SA Nominates and Confirms UGBC Executive Council Members for 2022–2023

The Student Assembly (SA) nominated and confirmed appointees to UGBC’s Executive Council for the 2022–2023 academic year during a Wednesday night meeting. 

The representatives unanimously confirmed Deena Mohamed, MCAS ’23, as the chair of the AHANA+ Leadership Council for the upcoming academic year. 

“It’s been [several] really long, difficult years for students of color definitely on this campus, with the numerous bias-related incidents and the lack of administrative response,” Mohamed said. “I want to continue to help students of color in any manner that I can.”

The SA also unanimously confirmed Wells Arkins, MCAS ’23, as the new chair of the GLBTQ+ Leadership Council (GLC). In this role, Atkins said he hopes to increase intersectional and social programming as well as advocacy for students in the LGBTQ+ community.

“I’m sure many of you have participated in GLC social programming events like formal and Born This Way Cafe coming up on Friday,” Atkins said. “These reach the most students out of any of the events we do, and they’re really integral in forming an LGBTQ+ community on campus, so increasing both the number and the accessibility of these events is super integral to GLC programming.”

Sarah Farnan, who was unanimously confirmed as the next chair of the Council for Students with Disabilities, said she hopes to increase campus accessibility and enhance disability education for students. 

“I also want to work on some curriculum changes,” Farnan, MCAS ’23, said. “So meeting with the faculty again to discuss accessibility, compiling a guide for faculty … and [creating] an online reporting forum for students when professors violate protections that are afforded to them through [Americans With Disabilities Act] rules.”

As the new director of financial affairs, Andy Bonilla, CSOM ’23, said transparency is one of his goals.

“I envision having mandatory weekly or bi-weekly meetings with liaisons from every division within UGBC to make sure everyone is up to date with myself and their respective clubs so that we make sure the budget really is in good hands,” Bonilla said.

After several SA representatives asked Bonilla questions about his plans if elected, Gianna Russi, current vice president of UGBC and MCAS ’22, motioned to vote. But one representative objected, suggesting all further nominations be decided by a roll call vote, rather than a unanimous voting system. Bonilla was then confirmed, with only a few representatives abstaining from the vote. 

Caitlin Martin-Welp, MCAS ’23, said she hopes to foster increased connection among UGBC’s various divisions as next year’s director of communications. Martin-Welp was elected by a 20–1 vote.

“In addition to social media, which I always think is a great way to promote and engage with the student body, I’d love to also increase face-to-face connections,” Martin-Welp said.

The SA also unanimously confirmed Meghan Heckelman, LSEHD ’25, as the next director of student initiatives. Heckelman described her plans to start a freshman leadership training initiative for UGBC members to improve relations and resolve separation among the organization’s divisions.

“I think that what we’re supposed to be doing is listening to student needs and wants and doing everything that we can to put out programming that fills those needs and wants,” Heckelman said.

To conclude the meeting, the SA confirmed Giovanna Eichner, MCAS ’23, as the next director of the environmental and sustainability division. Eichner said she plans to support other environmental clubs at BC and promote collaboration among these groups.

“The environmental groups do a lot of programming and they have a lot of connections between themselves and different faculty members, but there is kind of a missing link,” Eichner said. “I’m looking to reorganize the division.”

April 24, 2022