Newton Honors Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Virtual Event
Metro, Newton

Newton Honors Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Virtual Event

Newton civic and religious leaders, activists, and students spoke at a virtual celebration honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday. The event was hosted by the Harmony Foundation and centered around the theme of “Keep Moving Forward,” in light of the pandemic and widespread protests against the systemic racism facing Black Americans.

Girardot: BC and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year
Opinions, Column

Girardot: BC and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

Columnist Doug Girardot writes that in their reopening rhetoric, BC officials did everything in their effort to downplay the realities of college life in a pandemic. The flurry of summer emails students received in their inboxes and the maroon and gold technocratic signage littered throughout campus have suggested a conditional promise of normalcy: If you do all these things, then we can have school just like usual. But this is a dangerously fantastical apodosis.

BC’s Laundry List of Problems
Op-Ed, Featured Column, Opinions

BC’s Laundry List of Problems

When it comes to doing laundry at Boston College, the one perennial stain that no one’s been able to get out is the administration’s negligence of its students’ wants and needs. The topic of laundry sounds quite myopic in a time when the CDC projects that  over 200,000 people in this country are slated to...
Newton Residents Voice Concerns for Riverside Vision Plan

Newton Residents Voice Concerns for Riverside Vision Plan

Approximately 275 residents of Newton and the surrounding area attended a community open house to hear from city officials and give their own feedback regarding proposed developments to the area occupied by the Riverside T stop on Sunday evening. It was hosted by the City of Newton Planning Department.