Long-term Features

Resources in Close Quarters: Co-Founder of AHANA and Current Students Express Concern Over LGBTQ+ Resources at the BAIC
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Resources in Close Quarters: Co-Founder of AHANA and Current Students Express Concern Over LGBTQ+ Resources at the BAIC

“To me, it was a limitation of addressing [LGBTQ+] needs by tagging it on to the AHANA context,” Lewis-Mosley said. “They have a big enough endowment to where they could have broadened meeting the needs of both our AHANA legacy and established an even broader in development for the LGBTQI community.”

Maroon, Gold, and Green: A Look Into Sustainability Initiatives on the Heights
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Maroon, Gold, and Green: A Look Into Sustainability Initiatives on the Heights

“Sustainability is going to be so important going forward,” Ryan said. “It doesn’t matter what your career interest is, or, you know, your individual interests—It’s going to apply to so many different disciplines, so I think it’s important for students to view it as something they should be paying attention to and being proactive about.”

The Age of AI Anxiety: Academia Adapts to Technological Advancements
Features, Long-form Features

The Age of AI Anxiety: Academia Adapts to Technological Advancements

“How we evaluate our kids is really, really subjective at times, and we really don’t know the right way forward—and [AI] is quite a disruption,” Blanco said. “I think by definition, exams are not authentic assessments. In the sense that when you graduate and go to your jobs, you’re not going to be taking an exam, right? You’re going to have to demonstrate what you know, through your ability to produce things.”

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