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Black BC Website Maps Out the Black Experience on Campus
2025 Celebrating Black Voices, Features, Long-form Features, Long-term Features

Black BC Website Maps Out the Black Experience on Campus

“It’s one thing to give somebody a book and say ‘If you want to know more about X read this,’” Frederick said. “I think that’s one way to intervene. But the more of yourself you get involved in learning—your physical self, your intellectual self, your emotional self, etc. — the more meaningful what you learn is to you as a human.”

Resources in Close Quarters: Co-Founder of AHANA and Current Students Express Concern Over LGBTQ+ Resources at the BAIC
Top Story, Features, Long-term Features, Long-form Features

Resources in Close Quarters: Co-Founder of AHANA and Current Students Express Concern Over LGBTQ+ Resources at the BAIC

“To me, it was a limitation of addressing [LGBTQ+] needs by tagging it on to the AHANA context,” Lewis-Mosley said. “They have a big enough endowment to where they could have broadened meeting the needs of both our AHANA legacy and established an even broader in development for the LGBTQI community.”

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