Boston College should implement more affordable Senior Week events to make the programs more accessible to students. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which hindered social connection between members of the Class of 2022, Senior Week events are an effective way to foster a sense of unity among students. The senior class deserves to…
Arts, Arts Festival 2022
‘The Rocky Horror Show’ Depicts Eccentric Night of Pleasure and Dancing
BC Theatre’s production of ‘The Rocky Horror Show’ animated the audience with its outlandish costumes, dance numbers, and music.
Arts, On Campus
BCDE Delivers Dynamic Show in Its Return to Live Performances
The Boston College Dance Ensemble graced the Robsham stage for the first time in two years for their ‘The Revival’ showcase March 17 and 18.
Arts, On Campus
UPrising Dance Crew Heats Up the Robsham Stage
Uprising Dance Crew, along with AeroK, Synergy, and Phaymus, lit up the Robsham Stage on Saturday Night for their fifth annual Waves showcase.
Metro, Top Story
Public Voices Concerns Over Revamped Boston 2024 Bid
Boston 2024 leaders presented a revised Olympic proposal to a crowd of spectators at Robsham Theater.
Robsham Theatre Gives Students The Performance Space And Resources To Put On Stunning Productions
Robsham has been home to theatre and dance productions at BC since the early 1980s.