After two years of not being able to hold its annual show, the Boston College Dance Ensemble (BCDE) made a triumphant return to the Robsham stage with its 2022 performance, aptly named The Revival.
The event began with a riotous start, as the entire company filled the stage for the opening number, entitled “Motive.” BCDE members danced to songs by Nelly Furtado and Ariana Grande, incorporating acrobatic elements and a multitude of turning passages that wowed the audience and set the tone for the evening’s performance.
Immediately after the first number, representatives of the Campus School at Boston College took the stage to inform the audience that BCDE would donate all of the proceeds from ticket sales to the Campus School. The speakers highlighted the Campus School’s upcoming events and thanked the audience for coming to the show.
BCDE took a departure from its more lyrical numbers after the speech with a tap number titled “Come Together,” choreographed by Emma Searle, MCAS ’23. The casual costumes and pop music complemented Searle’s precise choreography. The satisfying sound of the dancers’ tap shoes working in sync brought forth an especially enthusiastic response from the crowd.

As Act I progressed, BCDE incorporated more show-stopping features into its numbers. “Fade,” choreographed by Emily Devito, MCAS ’24, and Madison Jones, MCAS ’24, featured a pass in which one dancer vaulted off another dancer’s back. The audience went wild for the acrobatics.
Act I came to a close with a number called “Time Of Our Lives,” choreographed by BCDE director Danielle Salina, MCAS ’22. The hip-hop number, which featured the full ensemble, emphasized the dancers’ power echoed by bright red stage lights. The audience clapped and cheered along to the tune of “Time Of Our Lives” by Pitbull and Ne-Yo, bringing the first half of the show to a close.
The second act began, and BCDE delivered even more audience-pleasing numbers. The first number, “Britney,” choreographed by Anna Wen, MCAS ’22, featured a medley of Britney Spears songs. The choreography swelled with energy as the stage filled with a toxic green light.
The second-to-last dance, “Ghost of DE’s Past,” choreographed and performed by the senior members of the team, featured a medley of songs from past BCDE shows. The dancers’ love of the choreography was evident in their emotive, powerful movements.
The show closed with a performance called “The Revival,” choreographed by the BCDE officers. The number pulsed with emotion, as the entire company joined together on the stage for one last dance. When the dancing stopped and each member of the ensemble took a bow, the crowd rose to its feet to show its appreciation for the revival of BCDE.
Featured Image by Ben Schultz / For The Heights
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