News, On Campus

2014-15 UGBC Board Inaugurated

The Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) inauguration marked the end of an administration that has faced the challenge of a shifting structure and ushered in a new group of leaders who will be tasked with implementing the organization’s transformed role.

News, On Campus

Meet The Fiore-Chettiar-Marchese Team

By: Mary Rose Fissinger

Marchese and Fiore-Chettiar pledge to be different from past “UGBC insider teams” who often do nothing to end the bureaucracy that many believe hinders effectiveness. They both have expressed dissatisfaction with the current culture and hope to drastically transform it if elected. Fiore-Chettiar was considering leaving UGBC before she decided to run for president, and only felt comfortable running for the position after she met Chris, whose vision she felt aligned with hers.

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