
The Student Strikes of 1970
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The Student Strikes of 1970

“[They were] wondering how long it was going to last, wondering what would come next. Students were wondering whether it would affect their job prospects and whether they’re going to graduate on time and how they were going to be graded. All of that was up in the air, so long as the strike lasted.”

Making Their Voices Heard

Making Their Voices Heard

“It’s really important that we’re on the same page … that we’re still a community, that we can also make the rest of the black students on campus feel like they could have a home or somewhere to go.”

In Flatbush, Wintanna Abai Provides New Paths to Success

In Flatbush, Wintanna Abai Provides New Paths to Success

“I sort of think of this work of [our staff] is part of a revolution. This country is failing so many kids, and everybody seems to turn the other way. I find that people who feel really passionate about that and feel determined to make it better and determined to give our kids exactly what they deserve end up doing really well.”

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