Reigning Scarlet, Jamsexual, Uncommonwealth, Blake Mongno, CARAMEL, and Julia Piccard will be the bands and singer-songwriters competing in BC’s Best.
On Campus, Arts
BC Music Guild’s Fall Band Showcase Highlights Four Student Bands Under Falling Leaves
BC Music Guild’s Fall Band Showcase hosted a concert on Stokes Lawn, with bands that played their original works and covers.
Arts, Arts Festival 2022
Photo Negative Takes the Title of BC’s Best at Arts Festival Competition
During the 24th Annual Arts Fest, Photo Negative took home the title of BC’s Best Band, winning the spot to open for Dominic Fike.
Arts, On Campus
Student Band Uncommonwealth Releases First EP ‘Crashing Waves’
Student band Uncommonwealth compiled their originals into ‘Crashing Waves,’ released on Saturday.
Arts, On Campus
Student Musicians Conquer Battle of the Bands
Music reverberated across campus during Boston College Arts Festival’s annual Battle of the Bands competition.
On Campus, Arts
Student Bands Shine at Quadstock Concert
Quadstock took over the lawn in front of O’Neill Library for a concert that showcased the musical talents of Boston College students.
Arts, On Campus
Fall Showcase Features Socially Distanced Live Music
Five BC musical acts performed on the O’Neill Plaza lawn Saturday afternoon for the Music Guild and CAB’s Fall Showcase.