BC moved up eight spots, from 67 to 59, in this year’s Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education (WSJ/THE) College Rankings—the highest ranking BC has been given in the four years that the two publications have jointly released a rankings list.
News, Featured Story, On Campus
BC Libraries Adds Subscriptions to NYT
The University will pay a flat fee to the paper in exchange for unlimited access to articles, including viewing, downloading, and printing articles.
News, On Campus, Featured Story
Riley Suggests Obama Presidency Didn’t Help Poor Black Communities Economically
“More than anything else, black underclass needs human capital, the values, the habits, the attitudes, the behaviors, that facilitate economic advancement, regardless of who gets elected,” said Jason Riley, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal.
News, Off Campus
CSOM Senior Noted in Wall Street Journal As ‘Latest Success Story’
Erin Kelley, CSOM ’15, was profiled in the Wall Street Journal as a successful member of Bottom Line, an organization that counsels disadvantaged youth on how to earn a college degree.