Despite their shiny, high-tech exterior, the pervasion of checkout kiosks throughout several of Boston College’s on-campus eateries is creating conges...
Last month, 2,394 incoming Boston College freshmen received an email that revealed long-awaited housing decisions. Students anxiously logged into thei...
The Heights’ prescription for the upcoming presidential search is twofold: broaden the search beyond the Jesuit order and select a candidate who value...
“What does UGBC even do?” You’ve probably heard someone ask this question. While student governments are established to advocate for student needs and...
When a student at Boston College takes a class to fulfill their core or major requirements, their only concerns should be about the class and its cont...
Two weeks ago, 1,033 Boston College students received their 2024–25 study abroad placements. When considering the opportunity of studying abroad, a ke...
Journalists don’t always own their bias. But at The Heights, it’s part of our motto. “For a Greater Boston College” means we want this University to d...
Boston College prides itself on addressing the full financial need of its students. It has an opportunity to further its commitment to supporting low-...
Boston College has a long way to go in creating a comfortable environment for queer students on campus. The University’s recent rollout of new resourc...