“The bible solely existing as a piece of literature notwithstanding, it is hypocritical to claim that traditional marriage is vindicated in the bible and therefore rationalizes oppression of marginalized communities.”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“To queer folks directly, you belong at BC. Plain and simple: you belong here.”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“It is important to remember that the push for a LGBTQ+ resource center stems from the desire to have a safe space for queer students where resources are centralized and made easily-accessible.”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
LTE: Theology Professor Responds to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“If Catholic colleges need anything, they need resources to articulate a Catholic position in a way that assists personal growth and a sense of calling.”
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
LTE: A Response to “Looking Forward to a Progressive Future”
“Father Leahy and BC are merely exhibiting the very Jesuit ideals this University was founded upon in 1863,” writes Dietrich in her letter.
Opinions, Editorials
The Time Is Now For An LGBTQ Resource Center
Boston College is behind the times, and needs to fulfill the message that we were given at Convocation—it’s time for an LGBTQ resource center.