Tag: liberal

Carter: Government’s Mismanagement of COVID-19 Causes Ordinary People to Fall More Behind
Opinions, Column

Carter: Government’s Mismanagement of COVID-19 Causes Ordinary People to Fall More Behind

The government’s mismanagement of priorities and dysfunction within its coronavirus response has resulted in extreme hardship for much of the everyday population, and without serious reflection on how to help people to survive these difficult times, many more people will die preventable deaths, suffer from extreme stress, and lose out on valuable early education.

Biden Team: Take Notes from Markey
Column, Opinions

Biden Team: Take Notes from Markey

The progressive left has heard the same refrain time and time again from moderate and conservative commentators—that young, left-wing voters ask for too much from their candidates, refuse to compromise, and demand unreasonable“purity tests”. In the Massachusetts Senate primary, it was certainly an uphill battle for an old, white man who voted in favor of...
Reforming the Tax Code
Opinions, Column

Reforming the Tax Code

“The U.S. Congress should work to reform the tax code to maximize tax revenue, while making sure that there are not specifically tailored tax benefits that allow people to avoid paying their fair share.”

Column, Opinions

Behind Populism’s Popularity

As much as the mainstream media likes to hype up election drama, the increasingly palpable anger in this country is not just a tool politicians use to get elected. Yes, fear has been and always will be a powerful political instrument, but the rush by every candidate to frame him or herself as anti-establishment proves itself beyond the normal scope of political maneuvering and taps into deeper rumblings within American society.

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